Thursday, March 25, 2010

Your Six Pack Abs and Importance of a Protien, High-Carb balance

Protien is one of the most important components of any exercise and diet program.  It is the building block that your muscles need to grow in size and increase in strength.  Without it, you would never see an improvement in your body shape or your Six Pack Abs either. 

Protien is used by your body to repair and build and maintain muscle mass.  Eating a lot of protien by itself will not automatically gain you this muscle tissue though.  You must consume it in conjunction with other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals and carbohydrates. 

It's very important to balance all your meals with protien-rich and high carb-rich foods together.  A meal that includes only carbohydrates for instance, is not good for you, because it will cause your glucose levels to rise up and crash down.  This situation will leave you feeling tired and weak and hungry, and will allow your body to then convert your food into fat instead of muscle. 

Now, when you balance protien with the high-carb meal, it will make you feel full longer, while keeping those glucose levels steady.  Your metabolism will work more efficiently, and you will feel more energized for longer periods of time in your exercise and weight loss program

Protiens take much longer to digest than carbohydrates (which take about two hours), so when the two are consumed together, the protien will actually slow down the digestion of the carbohydrates.  This process causes the energy from the carbs to be released more slowly into your body, which makes you feel fuller longer, and less likely to snack between meals.

When you balance carbohydrates with the protiens, the carbs will be utilyzed by your body as energy.  This allows the body to better use the protiens to repair muscle tissue after a hard abdominal workout.  This in turn is what builds up the muscles and increases the size of your Six Pack Abs, and all the rest of your body muscles for that matter. 

The great exercise and diet program that I personally follow and recommend, called the Truth About Six Pack Abs, will explain and teach you how to further understand the importance of proper protien and carbohydrate balance in your weightloss plans.  This program will provide numerous suggestions for meal combinations, and the right foods to eat to acquire your own nice set of Six Pack Abs

In future blogs, I'll go into more detail of each specific nutrient that your body needs for proper nourishment and weight control.  I'll discuss  the importance that each has for your body's health, and your entire exercise and healthy weight loss program. 

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