Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Six Pack Abs Protein Supplement Choices

When you are training for a nice set of Six Pack Abs, or any part of your body for that matter, you may not be getting enough protein that your body needs to grow muscles.  You will discover that digesting enough protein without consuming too much fat is going to be a problem. 

A reasonable solution to this problem would be the use of protein supplements in conjunction with your diet program

The use of protein supplements are a cost-effective means of increasing protein intake without increasing fat intake.  Many of the supplements also contain vitamins and minerals and macronutrients, and even carbohydrates. 

Choosing the right protein supplement for your exercise programs can be somewhat difficult.  As mentioned earlier, some supplements contain various amounts of carbohydrates, which enhances the conversion of dietary protein into muscle protein.  This also adds extra calories, making burning fat more difficult, if you are also trying to reduce your weight.  If you are already on a low carbohydrate diet, then this won't be a problem for you or your Abs Of Steel

There are three different types of protein that are usually contained in protein supplements.  They are milk proteins such as whey, and egg, and soy protein.  All are considered to be high quality, but protein supplements derived from milk or egg are more commonly accepted in an abdominal workout program.  Soy protein, on the other hand, is lower in cholesterol , which can be a benefit to those of us who have high blood pressure.

You must remember that protein supplements are not meant to be the sole source of dietary protein to develop your Six Pack Abs.  A well-balanced , whole-food diet is still the most important aspect of any good weight loss program

The Truth About Six Pack Abs exercise and diet program that I continue to follow will show you how to choose the correct plan for your unique situation.  This program will also help you to choose the proper protein supplements for you, if you require them.  Heck, you might not even need them.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Your Six Pack Abs and Protien Supplements

As you might know, protien is used by your body to build, grow, and maintain your muscles.  Protien is the main building block that your body needs to grow a nice set of Six Pack Abs.  If you are in a bodybuilding program, or are training hard, your body needs an immense amount of protien to repair and build up the muscles you are breaking down during your training session.  

If your body cannot get enough protien from the foods you eat, you may consider using protien supplements.  Your body cannot use the protien you eat, unless all the amino acids are present.  The body itself, can produce only some of these amino acids, but not enough. 

Therefore, the foods you eat must provide your body with the necessary amino acids so that it can make use of the protien properly.  Some foods contain what is called complete protien.  These are foods that provide all the amino acids necessary to produce usable protien.  The problem is that even though some foods provide all the necessary amino acids, they still don't provide it in large enough amounts for your body to get enough usable protien yet. 

Another concern with getting enough protien from the foods you eat, is that those same foods also contain fat.  You may be eating more food to get more protien, but you are also eating additional fat too.  This can be a problem, especially if you are trying to lose fat while building up your Abs Of Steel.  Getting enough protien from food without consuming too much fat is often a big problem. 

You can--and should consider using protien supplements if you aren't getting enough usable protien from your exercise and diet program.  A strategy you can use, is to consume foods that are lower in fats, but are also lower in protien.  These foods also contain fewer calories than the complete protien foods do, but they allow you to get rid of belly fat while training.  You would then require the use of protien supplements to supply your Six Pack Abs with the proper amount of protien they need to grow after a vigorous abdominal work out

A good weight loss diet program that I refer to, and get a lot of valuable information from is called The Fat Burning Furnace.  I recommend you follow this program too, because it has many useful suggestions and tips for your weight loss program.  It will be very helpful to you in your quest for your own beautiful set of Six Pack Abs

Monday, March 29, 2010

Your Six Pack Abs Need Protein

What is protein, and how important is it in building up your Six Pack Abs?  Without protein, or enough of it, your entire weight loss diet program will be a flop.  Protein is used by your body to repair, build, and maintain muscle tissue.

Protein is made up of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon.  One unique aspect of protein is that it also is made up of nitrogen, which none of the other nutrients contain.  Protein is the only nutrient that contains nitrogen, so it's very important to include this in your every meal. 

When you hear the term positive nitrogen balance, it refers to your muscles as being in an anabolic state, or being able to build muscle.  The term catabolic state, refers to the action of losing muscle, which of course, we want to avoid in your Abs Work Out program.

Your body is only able to make use of protein for building your Abs Of Steel if all the amino acids are available.  The body itself can produce some of these amino acids, but the others, called essential amino acids, must be obtained only from the foods you include in your diet program

Here are some foods to include in your healthy weight loss plan that provides all the amino acids necessary to produce usuable protein.  These foods are fish and meat, eggs and dairy products, especially cottage cheese, and most vegetables.  Even though these foods contain a certain amount of protein, your body still is only able to make use of a lesser percentage of this protein

Eggs are still by far the very best form of protein to include in your weight loss program.  Some people believe they should separate the egg yoke out, and only eat the egg white, because there is some fat in the yoke.  I would refrain from this practice because the yoke actually contains as much protein as the egg white, as well as all the vitamins and minerals.  If you think you should be limiting the fat in your diet, you should do so by eliminating other fat foods, and not by throwing away the egg yoke, which is the best part of the egg.

Getting enough protein from food without consuming too much fat is often a big problem.  If you are still concerned about eating food that has proper protein in them, but that same food choice also has a lot of fat in it, you could consider using protein supplements. 

The great exercise and diet program the I personally follow and recommend, called the Truth About Six Pack Abs, also teaches us all the proper strategies to use to obtain the correct protein and nutrient balance.

In my next blog post, I'll discuss the use of protein supplements in your diet programs.  I'll teach you the proper use of them, and how to include them in a healthy strategy in your weight loss program.   

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Your Six Pack Abs and Importance of a Protien, High-Carb balance

Protien is one of the most important components of any exercise and diet program.  It is the building block that your muscles need to grow in size and increase in strength.  Without it, you would never see an improvement in your body shape or your Six Pack Abs either. 

Protien is used by your body to repair and build and maintain muscle mass.  Eating a lot of protien by itself will not automatically gain you this muscle tissue though.  You must consume it in conjunction with other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals and carbohydrates. 

It's very important to balance all your meals with protien-rich and high carb-rich foods together.  A meal that includes only carbohydrates for instance, is not good for you, because it will cause your glucose levels to rise up and crash down.  This situation will leave you feeling tired and weak and hungry, and will allow your body to then convert your food into fat instead of muscle. 

Now, when you balance protien with the high-carb meal, it will make you feel full longer, while keeping those glucose levels steady.  Your metabolism will work more efficiently, and you will feel more energized for longer periods of time in your exercise and weight loss program

Protiens take much longer to digest than carbohydrates (which take about two hours), so when the two are consumed together, the protien will actually slow down the digestion of the carbohydrates.  This process causes the energy from the carbs to be released more slowly into your body, which makes you feel fuller longer, and less likely to snack between meals.

When you balance carbohydrates with the protiens, the carbs will be utilyzed by your body as energy.  This allows the body to better use the protiens to repair muscle tissue after a hard abdominal workout.  This in turn is what builds up the muscles and increases the size of your Six Pack Abs, and all the rest of your body muscles for that matter. 

The great exercise and diet program that I personally follow and recommend, called the Truth About Six Pack Abs, will explain and teach you how to further understand the importance of proper protien and carbohydrate balance in your weightloss plans.  This program will provide numerous suggestions for meal combinations, and the right foods to eat to acquire your own nice set of Six Pack Abs

In future blogs, I'll go into more detail of each specific nutrient that your body needs for proper nourishment and weight control.  I'll discuss  the importance that each has for your body's health, and your entire exercise and healthy weight loss program. 

Monday, March 22, 2010

Great Six Pack Abs Tips if You Are Underweight

When you find yourself in a rather unique situation where you are underweight, you may be wondering what you should do.  You would like to build up your Six Pack Abs and gain weight, but you don't want to increase your stomach fat.  You will need to concentrate your efforts on trying to gain muscle weight, and not fat, as you exercise. 

A great exercise and diet program that i am actively following called The Truth About Six Pack Abs, will show you many strategies that you can use to do this properly.  It doesn't matter what unique situation you may find yourself in, this program has an solution for you. 

You could be a guy who already is in reasonable good shape, and all you want to do is tone your body a little more, so you have a nice set of Six Pack Abs.  You could also be a lady, just trying to find good program plans to follow that show you how to stay in the good shape you already are in, or whatever your current situation is. 

That is why I like this plan so much, because it teaches you the proper diet programs and nutrition strategies to follow, and the best exercises to practice also.  

Being that you are under-weight though, you will need to focus on gaining some pounds back, without increasing fat.  Your foremost priority will therefore have to concentrate on your diet program and nutrition needs.  You will have to increase your protien consumption in order to build your muscles while you gain back some weight.  Consuming foods that are higher in protien, and lower in saturated fats, will ensure you healthy weight gain, and stronger muscles, and especially those Abs Of Steel you so desire. 

A good nutrition and diet program you could consider in conjunction with the exercise program you already follow, is called The Diet Solution Program.  It has many additional tips and suggestions to consider that would help you immensely with your over-all diet program

This plan will provide you additional help in choosing the right foods to eat, and the meals to plan.  It will give you numerous suggestions on how much you should be eating, and how many times a day to eat, as well as meal proportions and calorie counting. 

Those are two great exercise and diet programs that I personally follow and recommend that will provide you with all the answers you seek to stay in shape, and reward you with a beautiful set of Six Pack Abs.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Great Six Pack Abs Exercises

If you are still trying to decide what you want to do about your body because you may be a little over weight, or a lot over weight, this exercise and weight loss program will help you.  What ever your situation might happen to be, The Truth About Six Pack Abs program has a unique solution for each one.

This program that I'm actively following will show you many various diet programs.  It is also a complete abdominal workout program to assist you to get a great set of six pack abs.

Here is a great exercise that I personally use in my particular training program that could be incorporated into your routine as well.  It's called the Lying Leg Thrusts.

There is no special gym equipment needed for this exercise, and it's guaranteed to give you abs of steel in no time.  You can do it on your living room floor, or wherever there is enough room for you to lay on your back.  I suggested in your living room because usually there's a carpet on the floor, but if not, use a foam mat, or a thick blanket to lay on instead.  

This is a two-part exercise.  You start off by lying on your back with your head and shoulders raised off the floor.  You place your hands with palms down and tucked in tight beside your hips.  Raise your legs straight up in the air, and then slowly lower them down until they are at about halfway to the floor to about a 45 degree angle with your body.  Don't go down any further, because this will arch your back and put strain on it and the lumbar area of your spine. 

Now, in the second part of this exercise, you raise your legs straight back up to the ceiling to a 90 degree position, and at that point, you thrust your hips up off the floor, while pushing down with your arms and palms.  Do this motion slowly.  When you are at the top of the thrust, and can't force your hips any higher, hold this position for a second or two, and then let your hips back down in a smooth, slow movement, and then lower your legs to the 45 degree angle, and raise again from there.  Start by doing 6 to 10 repetitions, because believe me, you will be puffing when your're done. 

I especially like this one because it really gets your heart pumping, and makes your whole body core work.  You will feel the exertion to your legs and shoulders and tricepts, and particularly to your six pack abs.  You will also feel it behind the lower back, just above your hips as well.

You should only practice this one 3 times per week, and start off by doing about 6-10 repetitions, and slowly building up to maybe 15 or 20.  This is one great exercise to incorporate into your overall abdominal workout plan because it is so effective. 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Great Six Pack Abs Tips if You are Overweight

If you have decided to join The Truth About Six Pack Abs exercise program because you are over weight, and want to reduce belly fat, there are literally millions of choices out there. 

How you make your weight loss program choice depends on many things.  Are you wanting to lose belly fat  because you have just a few extra layers on your six packs?  Maybe you need to shed several pounds of fat from your entire body, like as many as 20, or 30 pounds, or even more.  Maybe it could be because you are a middle-aged lady, and you have that stubborn bulge of fat on your hips and thighs, that no matter what diet programs you follow, or what exercise programs you do, you can't seem to get rid of it. 

A good weight loss diet program that I stumbled on while searching the internet that would also provide you with more weightloss help is called The Fat Burning Furnace.  This is a weight loss program that I would recommend in conjunction with the great exercise program that we already follow.  It is a good weight loss diet program with many additional weight loss tips you could consider that would also help in your diet program.

Continue to follow The Truth About Six Pack Abs also, because it has all the great program plans for each and everyone of us.  It doesn't matter what your unique situation is, because there is a solution for every combination of circumstances that you or I may require to get our Six PackAbs.

In future blogs, I'll go over many of your unique requirements, and show you which diets program to consider, and what meals to plan.  We'll go over which sequence of abdominal workout routines would be best for your weight loss program.  It will also tell us how often we should be exercising, whether it be with weights in a fitness gym, or on the floor in your living room. There is a healthy weight loss plan designed for us all in this great exercise program that I personally follow and recommend.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Your Six Pack Of Abs Diary

Now that you have maybe decided to join the Truth About Six Pack Abs exercise program because you really want to get your six pack abs into shape, you need to take some accurate measurements and record them.  You should do this so you can keep track of how well you are doing, or if there are any changes to your weight loss program, or fat belly measurements. 

If you are overweight, and trying to lose belly fat, a simple, well laid-out record list is a must for keeping track of everything for you.

Let's call it the Six Pack Of Abs Diary.  The best way to set-up the diary would be to have some columns across the top with the important data entered in them that you want to keep track of.  Then, there should be lines going across the column page, going down, to enter in your diets program information on the dates when you measure up.

Starting on the left side of the Six Pack Of Abs Diary, the first column on top should be the date that you choose to enter your weightloss plans information.  In all the rest of the column, you can enter in the important things that you want to keep track of.

These would be firstly, your weight, then your waistline measurement, calories per day, meals per day, body fat measurement, and type of meals, and calories per meal, and whatever you decide that is important to you personally, that you want to keep track of. 

I have suggested a column for "meals per day" because it's very important to be eating 5 or 6 times each day, as opposed to the customary 2 or 3 that most of us eat.  It is better for your metabolism and diet, to eat smaller portions, but more often each day.  I find that if I don't keep track of this, then I don't practice doing it as much and then I don't keep track of my weight loss as good either.

The "body fat measurement" column is only there if you had your belly fat measured with a special set of calipers, usually at a doctor's office, or at a gymnasium, or by a physiotherapist.  If not, then this doesn't matter to you.

As you can see, just customize your Six Pack Of Abs Diary to provide yourself with the important things that you want to keep track of as you are following the Truth About Six Pack Abs weight loss program. 

You don't have to do this on a daily basis either, just enter your weight measurements on the first day of the program, and then twice a week for the first two weeks, just so you get a real accurate starting point.  Then, after the second week, just enter your weightloss plans once per week after that. 

If you enter the program plans too often, your body hasn't had a chance to change that much yet from the previous readings, and it will make it look as if your program is too slow, or not at all--so don't measure your abs of steel too often.  Once a week is fine.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why Are You Exercising Your Six Pack Abs

There are so many reasons why each and every one of us have decided to join an abs workout program.  There are also just as many advertisements for exercise programs as there are reasons to join one in the first place.  You must be very careful in choosing a six pack abs exercise program-- because so many of them really don't work at all.

The reason why most abs of steel plans don't work, is because they are focused on only trying to build up your six pack abs.  They concentrate solely on this one specific area of the body, and fail to realize that you must exercise all of the body muscles--in order to get that slim waist-line.

The Truth About Six Pack Abs exercise program is the one that I choose-and follow, because it teaches us every aspect we need to know and practice in order to achieve our goals.  This program will teach you that probably the most important aspect of any exercise program is going to be your diet.

You must control your weight if you ever want to see a beautiful set of six pack abs.  You can pump all the iron in the world, but if you don't slim down, you will just end up looking like a big wrestler, who has a lot of powerful muscles, but the real fine tone is covered in all the body fat and flab.

So, if you are joining The Truth About Six Pack Abs exercise program because you are over-weight and want to slim down and get into better shape, then your main area of concentration will center around weight-loss in the first place. 

You will also want to follow the great suggestions and meal ideas i found by reading the Fat Burning Furnace program that has numerous suggestions for you.  Even if you aren't over-weight, there are still so many excellent ideas and neat tid-bits of information that this plan has to offer you.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sis Pack Abs Measure-Up Time

You are done all the procrastinating, and have decided your're serious about proceeding with The Truth About Six Pack Abs exercise program, and it's now time to get on with the first step-which is weigh-in.  I've got my bathroom scale battery changed, and were done making excuses about why we should hold off just a little longer,--and here goes.

Well, let's see here, being that i'm of the slender build, and I stand at 5ft. 11in. tall, my weight shows in at 170 lbs; which for me, is probably about right for my height and age.  Being that I'm middle-aged, and my energy level, and metabolism have both slowed down, I'm going to have to watch my diet closely, and exercise more- in order to achieve those six pack abs.  Oops!  Almost forgot to measure that mid-section, my tape measure shows me at 35 inches around the belly. 

Let's be honest with ourselves folks, there's no one watching, so we don't have to suck in that gut while measuring.  You want an accurate reading, so you can record your progress on a chart.  This way, you can monitor how well, or how quickly your're going to see those abs of steel

So, what are your stats?  They might not be too impressive at this point, but that's why you have decided to follow The Truth About Six Pack Abs program in the first place.  This system will teach you what diet and nutrition plan you should be following, and the exercises you will be practicing as well.  This is the very reason-and abs workout program that will get you the results you expect.

In future posts, we'll discover in more detail the specific diet plan and various exercise proceedures to follow.  The different levels of physical fitness, and age factors, and gender, etc.-that we are all at any given time, will determine how we proceed.  This program will work for you, no matter what stage of the game you are at.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Six Pack Abs Weigh- in and Measure Up Step

OK, so you've decided that your're going to take the plunge-and follow The Truth About Six Pack Abs program along with me.  Now what?  It's weigh- in and measure up time!

Yeah, we gotta pull out that dusty old bathroom scale from under the sink, or from behind the toilet, or where-ever the thing has been hiding.  We've been so scared to use it-(because it always lies anyway), that we forget where the all-elusive thing is.  Well, mine is under my clawfoot tub in the bathroom, covered in dust and who knows what else.  (I'll call it crud).  So, I drag it out to the middle of the bathroom floor and take a deep breath, and suck in my future abs of steel, and step on the thing--and nothing happens.  Oh yeah, it's electronic, I have to tap on the corner first-with my toe, and wait for it to turn itself on.  What a lucky break--it turns out that the battery's dead, from sitting so long, I guess.

Lucky for me, I have no batteries in the house, and I'm not going to town anytime soon.  So I'll procrastinate for a few more days, until i get the scale working.

Does all this sound familliar?  Many of us find that the hardest part of starting an abs workout program, is simply getting motivated in the first place.  We say things like, "I'll start after the weekend" (because we've got that party to attend),-or "I'll start after the holidays",-or "when I'm finished that big box of cookies",-or whatever the excuse may be. 

But once we actually get started with The Truth About Six Pack Abs exercise program, you'll wonder why you didn't begin sooner.  You simply have to stop procrastinating, and motivate yourself to get on with it, and you'll be well on your way to achieving a leaner body, and your own sexy set of six pack abs.

In my next blog post, I promiss to have my bathroom scale fixed, and we'll do the weigh-in (really)!  Be sure and have a tape measure handy also, because we're going to measure that belly as well.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Proper Six Pack Abs Diet and Eating Habits

vPerhaps the most important aspect of The Truth About Six Pack Abs exercise program is our diet and eating habits. You can be on the best exercise program in the world, but if you have a bulging layer of fat on your stomach, you will never see those six pack abs anyway.

This will obviously mean we're going to have to change the types of foods we eat, and also how we eat those foods that we do choose. You will have to consume less saturated fats and carbohydrates in your diet-and include more protein.

Foods to avoid that are high in saturated fats are deep fried foods such as french-fries, or deep fried onion rings, or deep fried chicken. Junk foods to avoid are doughnuts and candies, or potatoe chips and carbonated soft drinks, or sugar cereals and cookies, because these are all very high in calories and sugar content-and all of which accumulate right on the mid-section.

You have to realize that nutrition and proper diet are probably more important than the Truth About Six Pack Abs exercise program itself. Bad dietry habits are the number one reason why most of us will never have a set of six pack abs. You can exercise and pump iron all you want, but if your're not going to reduce your food consumption or the poor choice of foods you do eat, then it will be a losing cause. You could be in good physical condition (maybe), but your body fat just won't be reduced enough to ever see those abs of steel.

If you knew what damage these junks foods are doing to the inside of your body, maybe it would be easier for you to quit eating them. For instance, certain types of processed junk foods can disrupt your hormonal balance, or cause your internal organs to mis-function, or promote cancer. Worst of all, junk food can actually stimulate your belly to store even more fat. Maybe knowing all this will help you to stop eating all that unecessary junk food.

Maybe if you can see the negative effects that some of these junk foods are actually doing inside your body, it might just get you turned off enough to not wanting them or craving them anymore. Thus, you would then have a better chance of replacing those junk foods with healthy, more nutritious food choices in your quest for a beautiful set of six pack abs.

Now that your're possibly convinced to eating less junk food, you should be concentrating on eating more protein--because protein is what your muscles need to grow. Foods that are high in protein are eggs and fish such as cod, tuna, and salmon, or cottage cheese and most dairy products, or most fruits and vegetables, and whole, un-refined grains or sweet potatoes. Also-meats such as chicken breast, lean ground turkey and beef, or buffalo meat are all high in protein too.

Always remember that it's better to eat 5 or 6 smaller meals, rather than just the customary 2 or 3 that most of us usually eat. This alone will speed up your metabolism and promote faster weight loss--and will burn up calories faster. The Truth About Six Pack Abs program that I follow will show you in detail how to accomplish your goals of having a well toned body.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Finding a Good Six Pack Abs Program

Deciding on a good exercise program can be a mind boggling experience in itself. There are so many programs out there to choose from, how do we know which one is best for us personally? I chose The Truth About Six Pack Abs because it's my own personal desire to get myself back into fine physical condition, and this is the program that I believe will help me in my quest for my own Six Pack Abs.

My interest in the program is simply my own personal desire and determination to improve my current physical condition. I don't have any career attributes such as PHD'S or Physical Fitness training courses-or anything of that nature, I just want to share what I have learned about this exercise program with you.

If you follow along with me, we can learn together just what it takes to achieve our goals of getting a nice set of Six Pack Abs.

First, we will need to know a little bit about ourself, and our own personal situation. I'm a middle aged (young guy)-just trying to keep myself in good shape. Not just because I want to look good-but because it makes me feel confident and it's also great for my health. Like you, (maybe), I desire to look better than I do right now-so I decided to take action and join The Truth About Six Pack Abs program, and do something about it.

It is my goal to have a set of those Abs of Steel. A set of strong abdominal muscles will also contribute to keeping your back straight and firm, and pain-free, which in turn leads to a sturdy spine and all round good physical form and good posture.

On a more personal side, I was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident three years ago, that inflicted multiple and serious injuries to my upper legs and pelvic region, and also to my lower back area. I mention this because it is my intention to get back to my pre-accident level of physical condition, which was really quite good (for my age). I have kept myself in good shape all my life, and now I wish to re-gain that fine physical form-and you can too, just by following The Truth About Six Pack Abs program that i am using.

In my case though, I must be very careful not to over-do myself with an exercise program, for fear of re-injuring myself. That is why you must also look at your personal situation, to see what you can -or should endure in a physical fitness program. It's a very good idea to make sure with your family doctor or physical therapist to see if they think you are capable enough to endure a body toning program without causing further damage to yourself.

If you are in reasonable good condition to start with, you should be OK anyway. But if you feel your're not sure, then by all means, get a professional opinion first-before attempting a Six Pack Abs program.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Truth About Six packs Abs program and it's author

As promissed, in this blog, we'll focus our attention on The Truth About Six Pack Abs program. What is it? and what are the recommended exercises and the proper sequences of doing them, to get your own Six Pack Abs Of Steel? We'll find out who the author is, and what his attributes are, and his contributions to the program.

The author's name is Mike Geary -who has written many number one ranked abdominal Ebooks and sold them in 154 countries. He has written many articles in, and has published articles in many websites around the world, and has been a guest speaker on many radio shows across the country. He is a Certified Nutrition Specialist , and a Certified Personal Trainer specializing in body fat reduction strategies and functional strength and power training. He has a bachelor's degree of science , and therefor, is well qualified, and knows what he is talking about, and what he demonstrates in The Truth About Six Pack Abs program-which by the way, is the number one rated abs program on the internet-as ranked by

The program focuses on the fact that stomach fat must be burned off-in order to see those abs, in addition to a full body exercise system. It provides full descriptions and photos of all of the most effective abdominal exercises, as well as the ones to avoid. The majority of the program focuses on full body training exercise combinations and sequences that increase the metabolic rate, which in turn stimulates the fat burning process in your body.

It teaches both men and women the proper ways to obtain those Six Pack Abs Of Steel, without bulking up,-like many women are afraid of.

The program is developed for anyone- no matter what your physical advancement may or may not be. It is designed for all levels of progression. All of the training and diet strategies can be used by everybody from teenagers to older people- or overweight people, or any weight of people in between. It doesn't matter what stage of physical fitness level you are at, you simply can start the program at whatever level that suits you personally- and you graduate yourself up to the more advanced exercises in the program from there.

The nutrition and diet section of the book is also a main focus in the program. You'll learn the truth about what a truly nutritious diet really is, and what foods you should be consuming. The program gives you a thorough understanding of diet and nutrition that is absolutely critical for flattening your stomach and achieving your own Six Pack Abs Of Steel. It also teaches you what not to eat, and not to fall for those gimmick ads and diet fads, or supplements that don't work and are a complete waste of your money.

The full body workouts in the Truth About Six Pack Abs program usually take about 30 to 50 minutes a day, and are recommended doing 3 to 4 times per week. Depending on which routines you follow, will determine how long your workouts are.

In my next blog, I'll tell you a little bit about myself- and why I chose this program, and what my current physical condition is, and what my expectations are of this program. We'll get started with the program, and learn what we need to do to start up and also what we need to do to alter our diet and eating habits.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

About the Six Pack Abs Of Steel Program

I guarantee that future blogs I'll be covering will be informative and fun to learn. I will share all the good little things that I have learned along the way, and you can share your experiences with me and my readers as well. It will be a great time, and we will be whipping our Six Pack Abs Of Steel into shape while we have fun doing it.

So, after many hours of internet surfing, I finally came across a really good program called The Truth About Six Pack Abs, that I am going to pursue to get my own abs in shape, and you can too, if you just follow along with me. You can see first hand how it is working for me as I practice the program. I'll tell you what I'm doing right, and I'll tell you what I'm doing wrong-so you can learn from my mistakes, and hopefully avoid them.

I'll be telling you about the program and how it works and how you can get your own Six Pack Abs Of Steel, as you proceed with the guidelines of this great program.

In order to achieve those great looking Six Pack Abs, we must focus our attention and exercise routine around this specific area of our body-namely the abdominal section. Believe it or not, we all have a set of six packs hiding there-under our various layers of stomach fat. We just have to figure out a way to get rid of that fat and discover the proper exercises to perform, and the correct methods of applying these various exercises to our body.

I will discuss proper diet and eating habits in future blogs to follow, so be sure and watch for those. They will be extremely helpfull and necessary to achieve your goal. But for now, we will concentrate our thoughts on the proper exercises to perform, and the correct methods of doing them,in The Truth About Six Pack Abs program.

Is this program for me? you ask? Of course it is! It's for anybody who wants to improve the looks of their mid-section. It doesn't matter if your're big or small, or overweight or underweight, or male or female, or even what your age is. This program will provide the desired results to any one of us. We just have take the initiative and have the will-power to carry through. Then, we need to follow the program step by step, and everyone of us will get those Six Pack Abs Of Steel. We simply have to want them bad enough, and be willing to perform the exercise routines as specified in The Truth About Six Pack Abs system that we are about to pursue.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Attaining those Six Pack Abs Of Steel

At some time in our lives, most of us have dreamed of having those perfect Six Pack Abs Of Steel. Well, maybe not perfect, but desireable. We all want to look great when it's hot outside-and we begin to shed more clothing. The less clothes we have on, the more we want our body and abs to look lean and mean and well toned.

For most of us though, we must be realistic about the matter and admit that we won't look like the body-builders that we see in all the magazine ads and on TV-with those sexy abdominal muscles and perfect body form.

But for those of you who do want your Six Pack Abs to look like an Arnie-"what's his name", The Truth AboutAbs program that I intend to follow and tell you about, will work just fine also.

Most of us likely won't end up looking perfect like the professional body builder-or even want to look like that, but we'd be more than happy with a nice looking-flat stomach, and maybe a hint of those rippled abs showing.

Believe me, it's not going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination, and I think you will agree with me there, or you wouldn't be reading this now. It's gonna take some serious dedication on our part and also a change to our diet and the way we eat. We can't just concentrate on those Six Packs alone, it will require exercising the entire body as well-in order to achieve what we expect from the abdominal exercise program.

Obviously, your're wanting some sort of improvement to your abs, and probably even your entire body, because really, you must exercise your whole body-if you want that great shape and toned Six Pack. We need to stop procrastinating and we need to put a reasonable amount of effort and determination into this program, and it's entirely possible to get those Six Pack Abs Of Steel into shape.

One way to building those abs up is by improving your core strength. The core is the entire mid-section of muscles that surround your waist, hips, and back. It is by strengthening this entire mid-section, that will also keep your back strong and pain free-which also contributes to a sturdy spine and all around good physical form. What do strong stomach muscles have to do with your back? you ask? It is your strong abdominal muscles that help to keep your back straight and firm, which in turn leads to less back pain and less injury.

Every one of our muscles are connected for a reason, and if we keep these all strong and in good shape, then our entire body feels great. We just have to know the proper ways and types of exercises to do in order to attain that.

Which brings me to the topic of my next blog that tells you the types of exercises we should be doing, and The Truth About Abs program we need to follow in order to get those Six Pack Abs Of Steel we so desire.

Set Up Your Six Pack Abs Of Steel!!

SIX PACK STEEL ABS OF are one aspect of our body we all desire and can achieve by following this simple and effective program we will discuss here. Get all THE TRUTH ABOUT ABS now and learn how thousands of others just like you are getting their own sexy SIX PACK ABS OF STEEL. It's simple and easy to follow, and you can get those Six Packs if you want them. Simply follow this blog to learn more.