Sunday, February 21, 2010

Proper Six Pack Abs Diet and Eating Habits

vPerhaps the most important aspect of The Truth About Six Pack Abs exercise program is our diet and eating habits. You can be on the best exercise program in the world, but if you have a bulging layer of fat on your stomach, you will never see those six pack abs anyway.

This will obviously mean we're going to have to change the types of foods we eat, and also how we eat those foods that we do choose. You will have to consume less saturated fats and carbohydrates in your diet-and include more protein.

Foods to avoid that are high in saturated fats are deep fried foods such as french-fries, or deep fried onion rings, or deep fried chicken. Junk foods to avoid are doughnuts and candies, or potatoe chips and carbonated soft drinks, or sugar cereals and cookies, because these are all very high in calories and sugar content-and all of which accumulate right on the mid-section.

You have to realize that nutrition and proper diet are probably more important than the Truth About Six Pack Abs exercise program itself. Bad dietry habits are the number one reason why most of us will never have a set of six pack abs. You can exercise and pump iron all you want, but if your're not going to reduce your food consumption or the poor choice of foods you do eat, then it will be a losing cause. You could be in good physical condition (maybe), but your body fat just won't be reduced enough to ever see those abs of steel.

If you knew what damage these junks foods are doing to the inside of your body, maybe it would be easier for you to quit eating them. For instance, certain types of processed junk foods can disrupt your hormonal balance, or cause your internal organs to mis-function, or promote cancer. Worst of all, junk food can actually stimulate your belly to store even more fat. Maybe knowing all this will help you to stop eating all that unecessary junk food.

Maybe if you can see the negative effects that some of these junk foods are actually doing inside your body, it might just get you turned off enough to not wanting them or craving them anymore. Thus, you would then have a better chance of replacing those junk foods with healthy, more nutritious food choices in your quest for a beautiful set of six pack abs.

Now that your're possibly convinced to eating less junk food, you should be concentrating on eating more protein--because protein is what your muscles need to grow. Foods that are high in protein are eggs and fish such as cod, tuna, and salmon, or cottage cheese and most dairy products, or most fruits and vegetables, and whole, un-refined grains or sweet potatoes. Also-meats such as chicken breast, lean ground turkey and beef, or buffalo meat are all high in protein too.

Always remember that it's better to eat 5 or 6 smaller meals, rather than just the customary 2 or 3 that most of us usually eat. This alone will speed up your metabolism and promote faster weight loss--and will burn up calories faster. The Truth About Six Pack Abs program that I follow will show you in detail how to accomplish your goals of having a well toned body.

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